Specialised in
Consulting and partnering with Engineering clients helping them find top candidates in the fields of Manufacturing, Health and Safety, Quality, Assembly, Production, Procurement, and overall engineering recruitment success.
Experience & background
Senior Consultant with just over 2 years recruitment experience and delivery of top class customer service for the last 5 years. Partnering with top engineering clientele to help add value to recruitment processes and find the best talent within the market.
Having started my career out in customer service, I wanted to find an industry that I can really drive success within a business and helping find the right people for the right companies is paramount to business success. To provide the best service within a market you need to have investment from the workplace, experienced and driven people around you and extensive knowledge within the market you operate in, Omega is exactly that.
As a keen sportsman , playing cricket avidly and supporting the best team in Yorkshire (Leeds) this collaborates my success of being able to push harder to find the right solution for my partners that I work with to gain success.
You might be surprised to learn
I’ve lived in Australia for 2 years being lucky enough to have played cricket out there.
Jobs posted by Ben Herd
Quality Inspector
Import Export Administrator
Finance Analyst